Becoming an RVT
New or Temporary Membership

New or Lapsed Membership
For new, lapsed or transferred memberships ONLY!
- General member with the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association. Click HERE to see their requirements
- Be an active member transferring from another province without a break in membership, a break no greater than 3 years or has written the VTNE in the last 3 years.
- Requires:
- Registration receipt from the MVMA
- Diploma
- Copy of VTNE passing letter from the AAVSB
- Letter of Professional Standing from former Provincial Association
Restricted Membership
For new or upgraded student memberships ONLY!
- Restricted member with the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association. Click HERE to see their requirements
- Is pending the writing of; or confirmation of results of, the national exam as approved by the Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA), currently the Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE) administered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB).
- Requires:
- Registration receipt from the MVMA
- Copy of Diploma
- Copy of receipt to write VTNE from AAVSB
- Letter of Professional Standing from former Provincial Association (if applicable)
Register for a New, Lapsed or Restricted Membership
This form is to be completed by NEW or LAPSED (or Transferring) members to the MVTA not RENEWALS. If you hold a student membership or would like to renew your current membership, click the MEMBERS button in the top tool bar, login to your account and complete the Registration form.

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