CE Event – Let’s Talk Safety ***Event Postponed***


Let’s Talk Safety with Safe Manitoba

Please join us on TBD as Safe Manitoba will be delivering a safety talk on:

  • why safety is important to staff and the employer
  • the 4 basic rights of a worker according to the MB Workplace Safety and Health Act
  • the 5 categories of hazards, different methods of identifying hazards, and doing a risk assessment on the identified hazards
  • how we can control the hazards, and ensuring everyone is trained on the hazards and controls
  • round table discussion relating to safety

When: TBD

Where: WDDC Building, 1600 Inkster Blvd.

Time: 6:30pm registration/supper with talk starting at 7:00pm and ending at 9:30pm

Cost: $30 for members / $15 for student members

Space is limited – members have first priority. Be sure to register early!


To register, complete the form below:

Registration will open once a new date has been set.